Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A House of Illness

Wow, we have been sick for weeks and I really do mean weeks! 

Siena was the first to go down and Brandon was the last!  He is still not feeling 100%, but he did venture out into the world today. 

We had some sort of nasty upper respiratory virus possibly the flu.  Fevers, coughing, headaches(awful headaches), congestion, runny noses, exhaustion, etc. 

I am happy to report that most of us are back to normal, but we do have a few that still are not up to par.

We have started school back up, which some of us are not thrilled about, but once we get back into the swing of things we will be pushing through! 

I hope that you all have a wonderful and blessed day.  May God bless you always.

Happy Feast Day of The Epiphany

Happy Feast of the Epiphany!  Today we celebrate the 3 wise men(Magi) coming to visit Our Lord after he was born.  Here are some links about this wonderful feast day.  First here is some information on the eve of the Epiphany which is the last day of Christmas. then this link is of the actual feast day 

Trinity made the Kings cake for us.  It was delicious! 

Tyme found the baby Jesus, and will be making the King cake next year!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!  I hope that God blesses each one of you with all of your needs and some nice little extras along the way.

Yesterday we went to Mass.  It was a Holy Day of Obligation after all.  It started off a bit rough.  It was cold and raining.  Betsy was covered in ice, and we couldn't find the snow/ice scraper that we had in the old van when we lived in Colorado.  I believe that it may have been removed by a younger child who saw it as a sword.  I could be wrong though, but I have seen it used that way before.  Haha  Anyway, we were about 5 min. late for Mass, but oh it was beautiful.  I feel so blessed to have started off our New Year with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  To be able to have Our Lord dwelling with in was such a blessing and a wonderful gift.  Thank you God for all your goodness and love that you have for each one of us!  I love you so much!

While we were at Mass we ran into some dear friends and they invited us over.  So, we stopped by and had such a wonderful time visiting.  They are such a wonderful family, and I feel blessed to have them in our lives and as God parents for little Joseph Kolbe. 

Here is a picture of Betsy.  She has a few dents and dings, but really I think that is just the norm for a family that has a 15 passenger van!   One of my favorite things about Betsy is that she is low to the ground!  This was good news for this mama with short legs!

I hope that you all have a wonderful and blessed day!!!