Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Snow Days

On Sunday evening my wonderful husband was called and told that work was cancelled!  We were all so excited!  Anytime Daddy is home it is a good thing!

On Monday he was called and told that work was can cancelled on Tuesday as well!  We had him for two extra days.

Unfortunately, he did have to go back to the world of working outside the home, but we had a great time with him.

We have been reading the Little House on the Prairie series since we gave up television as a family for Lent.  It has been really nice, and educational. 

Now, I know the amount of snow and ice we have had doesn't compare to the East Coast, but I thought I would share some pictures.  The first picture is the one of the rabbit hutch that we received as a gift for Christmas.  We will be buying some meat bunnies soon!

May God bless you all.