Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Today He is Two

I thought I posted this, but I didn't!  This is several weeks late!! 

Today our little DP is now two years old.  I do not know where the time has gone.

I am thankful that the Lord added him to our family.  He is such a sweet little boy.  When one of his sisters is hurt he tries to comfort them and asks what happened.

We love you DP!  May God bless you always!

Pear Butter

This is a bit late.  I am sorry.  I will try to do better.

So, two weekends ago B and I made some pear butter!  It is so good.  We used the recipe in the Ball canning book. 

We used the pears from B's Aunts pear tree.  We just picked up some more pears yesterday so perhaps I will can some more in the next few days.  I think we would almost have a year supply if we can this next batch.

B really wants to try to make some pear wine.  If we do make wine we will use the recipe from Misty Prepper  I have to say I just love her videos!  She has a video that shows her using fresh peaches as well. 

Hope you all have a wonderful evening!  May God bless you!