Monday, October 14, 2013

A Dirty Dozen

The kids came inside from playing yesterday covered in dirt.  Hubby looked at me and said,"We are going to have a dirty dozen." 

Yes, we are going to have 12 blessings in our family, and it just makes me see how much God loves us all.

Since April, things have been a bit chaotic.  We have moved in with my parents and brother.  It is a bit tight, but we are making it work.

My hubby was without a job starting in August, but praise God he starts working on the 22nd.

We had to give up country life and are now living in the city.  Although, we still tell the kids to get ready so we can go to town.  I know it does not make sense.  Ha!

So, even though life seems so uncertain for us right now God has blessed us in one of the most beautiful ways.  He sent a little baby our way.

We have a roof over our heads, beds to sleep in, food in the panty, and are surrounded by so much love.

Thank you mom, dad, and Doug for letting us share in everything.  Thank you for dealing with messes and sticky floors.  Most of all, thank you for your love.

God thank you for everything you have ever sent our way.  We wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you!!!